Friday, 14 September 2012

GISS student leadership team applications

To be a part of the amazing GISS student leadership team, a student needs to prove that they are dedicated to the conference, to saving the world and to making a change for the better. This is why we give out application forms to those who, like us, are passionate about making a difference in the world for its betterment. Around 30 students applied for the 24 spots available.

To promote the event, I wrote an article for the link:

Do you want to be a part of the coolest, the most amazing student conference in Africa?
I thought so.

Well here’s your chance: this year, ISK’s GIN (Global Issues Network) group is hosting the annual Global Issues Service Summit, (GISS for short), a student conference that addresses today and tomorrow’s social and environmental problems.
It is a three-day conference: two days of interactive student and expert workshops along with world-renowned keynote speakers, with the third day being a service day: the GISS students all go out on a day-long trip to some of Nairobi’s local environmental and community-oriented organisations to help out with projects and have a good time.
This GISS’s theme is ‘Amani: One World, One Harmony’, which means peace and unity in Kiswahili.

This conference will change your take on how you can make things different in the world today.

Starting next week, signup sheets will be posted around the campus, so if you do want to join, pick one up and fill it out.
We hope that we’ll see you joining our Student Leadership team!

The point of doing this was really to encourage students and their parents to come and participate in this event, and I think that it must have worked. Writing promoting articles at this stage of the conference process is good practice, as I am aware of the impending increase in work and demand, and the need for sponsors, volunteers and chaperones.

We have now finalised our list of students on this team, and though there is a majority of seniors, there is a fair share of students from the other grades too.

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