Thursday, 27 September 2012

GISS Steering Committee meeting

Before school this morning, we had our first steering committee meeting. This involves every student and staff leader of each GISS committee.
This meeting presents itself as an opportunity to compare notes with other committees, to explain your progress, or maybe your hindering, on certain goals you need to achieve, and it is a great way to keep up with deadlines and get help troubleshooting problems, or simply to work side by side with the other committees.

As this was our first meeting, we spoke mainly of our debuts, and everything is on track to a certain extent. Mrs Zents and I explained how we were going to contact the local schools for the Golden Hearts Scholars applications, and we discussed our options for expert panel topics and panelists.
Thanks to this meeting, every committee was able to understand where they were lagging, and where they were doing well.
Meeting up with only the leaders of the committees was a very good idea, as for the most part, it is the leaders of the committees who are aware of what is going on within their group, and it makes for a much more efficient meeting than we would have had with 40+ people in the room.

So far, things seem to be going very well!

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