Monday, 12 September 2011

PTO Welcome Back Picnic

On saturday 10th, ISK held the PTO picnic.
I was part of three different activities: the 11th grade drinks stall, the 11th grade fundraiser game (shave the balloon/pillow fight), and Artsco.'s face-painting.
We had a few problems with the shave the balloon game, including some cut thumbs, and un-poppable balloons. In the end, however, we managed to make the game work, and it was fun for everyone who played.
The drinks stand was very busy, and so our shift, like all the others, was running around trying to get everyone's orders. 
At the Artsco. stand, the people face-painting didn't want to leave, so I only managed to paint one or two faces.

It was all lots of fun, and a great learning experience.
I can only hope that this event will teach me how to be a good face painter and event facilitator.

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