Saturday, 24 September 2011

GIN- Shangilia service trips & Hunger Banquet

The service group, of which I am head, is organising Wednesday trips to Shangilia, starting next wednesday (28th).
Shangilia is a children's centre in one of Nairobi's slums, and has been helping children deal with their experiences using performing arts for around 16 years now.
This is the first year that GIN is visiting the centre, but Mrs Lavender and Mme Houriez visited Shangilia once or twice to plan these weekly trips.

Next time that we have a Wednesday assembly, our Service group is going to present a small video or a slideshow to get more students to come.


The Hunger Banquet that GIN is organising will take place on Saturday October 8th.

The banquet's goal is to raise both awareness and money for the famine in the Horn of Africa.
All the money that we get from the tickets and the donation boxes are going to go to the Kenyan Red Cross and SAACID.
We're also hoping that a representative from the Red Cross will come as a guest speaker.

GIN is organising a silent auction that will take place during the banquet. Prizes will include food and gift baskets!

The banquet will be in the MPR at ISK, and tickets cost 1500ksh
for any student (ISK and other schools alike), and 2500ksh for any adults.

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