Friday, 1 March 2013

CAS Final Reflection

Being a part of the IB’s CAS program these past two years has given me many opportunities to see more of the world I live in, and has given me even more opportunities to help. The program expanded my skills, as I participated in many activities from different areas of the program: creativity, action and service. Through my participation in GIN and GISS, I learnt that I could become a confident leader while remaining a good team member who listens to my teammates. I became the co-leader of both GIN and GISS, and I remained an active member: I led sale pitches with 2 other students to gain sponsorship deals in preparation for the GISS conference, and as each one came around, I could see my teammates’ and my own progress in confident public speaking.
The GISS conference was this enormous project that we undertook this year, as hosting it, along with the extensive preparation, consisted of a lot of work on the part of both students and teachers. As student leader of the GISS human resources committee, the teacher working with me and I had initiated the search for the 17 golden heart scholars by sending out application forms and posters to many schools in and around Nairobi.
In my junior year, I set myself a goal that I would broaden my experience of ISK’s extracurricular options by joining in more groups. Even though I remained an active participant in my four main groups, GIN, Photography, NHS and Track & Field, I also participated in Artsco., Operation Smile, Guitar and in Leisure Club. I found that my participation in 2 groups from each section of CAS really invigorating, as I was able to compare my experiences, be part of a diverse routine and help on a larger scale than I was when only being part of one group. I learnt how to play a new instrument, the guitar, and I enjoyed my lessons a lot, because as soon as the basics are covered, a student can get a lot of joy out of playing an instrument.
At the end of my junior year, I decided to refine my diverse experience by concentrating more on my main groups. Due to this decision, I had to stop going to Operation Smile, Artsco. and Leisure Club, though I continue to support them by going to functions that they organise, or participating in their fundraisers.
Being able to concentrate on activities such as photography was very beneficial in terms of my improvement. Though I remain an amateur photographer, I now understand different techniques and styles of photography, and I can critique a photograph fairly and then use the feedback to apply it to my own photography. Doing group projects in photography is also very inspiring, because I can learn from my partner, just as they can learn from me, and being a team gives the individual more understanding of the topic.
In track and field, I wanted to test my abilities, so I trained for multiple racing and field events, including the 100m, 400m, 100m relay, long jump and high jump. I wanted to find an area where I was good, but could become better. Halfway through junior year, I became the high school girls’ team captain, and I was in charge of organising our team’s training sessions and looking out for my team members. With this position of leadership, I set out to ameliorate my track skills so that I could help my team members in any way that I could.
Persevering with these 4 groups was seldom a challenge, as I had chosen to participate in activities that I am passionate about.
Becoming a leader in these activities allowed me to see where I had space for improvement, and it increased my awareness of my abilities and of the things that I couldn’t do. Due to this, I managed to improve in the areas that needed improving, such as my patience and tolerance.
Going back to GIN and GISS, I have to admit that they are a huge factor in my life: being a part of GIN’s orphanage trip to Shangilia allowed me to experience first-hand the conditions that over 80% of Kenyans live in, and the difference we are making in those children’s lives was clear. Experiencing this just reminds us constantly how privileged we are, and that we have the power to make a positive change in the life of someone less fortunate. Therefore, we have the obligation to help.
Overall, the program allowed me to develop new skills in sport, to develop my social skills and I can now value them while integrating them in my lifestyle. My experience with CAS at ISK has made me a genuinely well-rounded person: without these empowering experiences, I would be a very different person today. My experiences, especially with GIN and the inspiring GISS conference, which turned out as a huge success thanks to our hard work, has moved me to continue with the goal of helping others and helping our environment. I am grateful that I had the chance to engage with such diverse activities.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Senior Trip CAS reflection

Over the course of our Intercultural Trip, I was able to experience all of the aspects of CAS: we had the opportunity to participate in many different activities, such as snorkelling, using beach debris to make art, and helping a local community build a dispensary and a tree nursery.
The weeklong trip involved a lot of hard work, both physically and mentally: as a group, we started to excavate a section of ground where the dispensary would be built. This instalment is highly beneficial for the community surrounding the site where we were staying, as the nearest emergency medical facility is a half hour away from the village on a boda-boda. So we broke the surface of the ground and dug rectangular trenches around 2 or 3 feet deep and 1 or 2 feet wide. Over at the tree nursery, we learned about the community’s lack of water reserves, and also about their need for charcoal, or any type of cooking heat source: their surroundings are very sparse due to deforestation, which is why we’re building a tree nursery to provide shade, water and a cool environment for the community. We levelled and cleared the ground, mixed concrete, filled plastic bottles that would be part of the shallow trench walls and ground, and we covered the base of the two trenches in a sandy concrete mix.
The organisation we were staying with, Camps International, also talked to our group about their projects to re-use waste water from the camp, and cleaning it naturally by using a large pool filled with pond weed, which, by moving in the water, would clean the water passing through it.
Having the chance to participate in these life-altering projects was really inspiring, as it showed me once again just how privileged our lifestyle is, and how we have a moral obligation to help the less privileged in any way we can. Seeing some of the villagers, especially an old woman whose children had abandoned her, and whose neighbours stole from, was mentally taxing, as I compared my financial and social situation with hers. I think that our IC trips are therefore beneficial not only to us the students, in that it is culturally enriching, but it also allows us to make a visible amelioration in certain communities, which is really what the trips are about.

Even though our week was centred on providing our physical services to the community, we also had the opportunity to visit the beach of Diani and go snorkelling or diving. I went snorkelling, and on our way out from the port, we had an amazing glimpse of two groups of dolphins: 6 bottlenose dolphins and 2 humpback dolphins. We snorkelled around a reef, and though we saw a great variety of fish, anemones, coral and even a ray, it’s quite obvious that a large amount of the reef is dead: there is white and grey broken coral everywhere, and some areas are completely lifeless, whereas others contain only a small amount of life. I did have a wonderful experience, as the underworld is completely different from the world above the surface, and its wildlife is just as interesting and noteworthy as the wildlife on solid ground. But my experience also reminded me just how fragile the Kenyan coast ecosystem (amongst many others) is, and how humans have affected it more than any other animal in a negative manner, and now we need to reduce this negative impact.
We had the chance to participate in a beach clean up, where we collected parts of (or whole) flip-flops that had been washed up on the shore. We also collected general trash, and we mainly found bits of plastic, metal, glass and paper.
We put the flip-flops to good use, as we spent the afternoon on the beach, (which was a nice period for relaxing), doing a flip-flop workshop. In this picture, you can see a giant turtle made out of 1000+ flip-flops. It was made by the same organisation that taught us how to make objects, such as key rings, balls, turtles and fish out of flip-flops. It’s a good method of raising awareness of pollution and its effect on the environment.
Overall, this trip was really instructive and enriching, but the best part of it was that I knew that I helped in the amelioration of a Kenyan community’s way of living.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

GISS Preparation (Sustainability Teams/Service Day)

As the GISS is coming up very soon, (it's happening from February 21st to 23rd), the student leadership team that is comprised of 24 students including myself, has been meeting every wednesday after school to prepare for the conference. We have been preparing for the sustainability teams, for which I paired team members up, by practicing certain energisers and icebreaker activities that we will do with our team during the conference. The sustainability team has 20 students and 2 to 3 teachers in it, all from different schools in Africa, and their goal is to create a project that will be presented to the rest of the conference during the closing ceremony on the third and final day. This year, we decided that we would use children's storybooks taken from the library and turn them into skits.Each Sustainability Team is led by 2 student leaders, and my group is being led by Tan and myself. Tan will also be my partner for the Service Day, or the third day of the conference, where we lead a different group of students and teachers to a service project in Nairobi.I find that having the same partner for both of these events is reassuring, as it gives me a sense of continuity in my actions, and I know that I can rely on my partner, as I now know her very well.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

GISS Sales Pitch

Today, Uri, Akash and I practiced doing a sales pitch for GISS: on thursday after school, we will be having a real sales pitch with 3 or 4 potential sponsors, so we have a lot of pressure on our shoulders right now to do well. Pressure is a good thing, however, as it will force us into being prepared and giving an amazing presentation to win over our potential sponsors.
We will practice again on thursday at lunch in front of a few of the teachers with business backgrounds, so as to help us correct blunders and mistakes, and to point out what we're doing right and what we are doing wrong.
This is a good life lesson for us, as we are all going into university to study subjects that are directly or indirectly related to business, and we are aware that sales pitches might well become a more common thing that we are involved in as time goes by.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Goals to Go

Last year, GIN had to cancel Goals to Go due to a lack of publicity. This year, however, it happened, and it happened well.

We put up posters around school in advance, warning parents, putting it in the daily bulletin and putting posters up in other schools. We had our sign up table ready at the beginning of september.

Tan and I made the shirts last year with 2012 written on them, and as we are hosting this football tournament in 2012, we found it unnecessary to make and order new shirts for the event.

I also made the poster for this year's event.
I used a lot of colour to make sure that it draws attention to itself, as well as to make it visually appealing. However, I used a blank background so that the viewers wouldn't be overcome or overwhelmed by an over-the-top explosion of colour.

I simply used the poster to relay all the information that a participant or a spectator would need to know without overwhelming them with information and text.

The event went well, though preparation for it was hectic: creating a timetable of the tournament, slotting teams in, ensuring that everyone plays etc. Preparation was truly exhausting, and unfortunately, very few people were being helpful at that time. However, once the event finally began, everything started to roll more or less smoothly.

Thanks to this, I know what to do when organising a tournament and how to organise it, and I know that my organisation skills are not as good as I would have liked them to be, so I must work on improving them.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Knee Dislocation and Surgery

On Monday the 24th of September, I had an accident during our track and field training session: at the end of my 400m race, my left knee collapsed and it seemed to me as though my kneecap had been dislocated from its socket. When we went to see the doctor that day, she said that I would not do sports again for at least 4 weeks, if not more.

After a pair of crutches was bought, consecutive visits to a physiotherapist, the MRI hospital and the knee doctor, it was decreed that I needed to have surgery. Nothing major, of course, but I will not be able to do sports for another 8 weeks minimum. My surgery happened this past wednesday (3rd of October).

This accident and its consequences has been extremely tough, as I now have to renounce all sports for this semester, and most likely next semester too. But this won't stop me from persevering in sports: physiotherapy and rehabilitation will now become my sport, and I will 'practice' hard until I am fully recovered.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

GISS Steering Committee meeting

Before school this morning, we had our first steering committee meeting. This involves every student and staff leader of each GISS committee.
This meeting presents itself as an opportunity to compare notes with other committees, to explain your progress, or maybe your hindering, on certain goals you need to achieve, and it is a great way to keep up with deadlines and get help troubleshooting problems, or simply to work side by side with the other committees.

As this was our first meeting, we spoke mainly of our debuts, and everything is on track to a certain extent. Mrs Zents and I explained how we were going to contact the local schools for the Golden Hearts Scholars applications, and we discussed our options for expert panel topics and panelists.
Thanks to this meeting, every committee was able to understand where they were lagging, and where they were doing well.
Meeting up with only the leaders of the committees was a very good idea, as for the most part, it is the leaders of the committees who are aware of what is going on within their group, and it makes for a much more efficient meeting than we would have had with 40+ people in the room.

So far, things seem to be going very well!

Monday, 24 September 2012

JUMP! Seminar

This weekend, every student in the GISS student leadership team attended a two-and-a-bit day seminar with three facilitators coming from Hong Kong, Paris and Nairobi. they were here to teach us about how to become facilitators during the conference, as we will all be leading groups of approximately 20 students, and as many of us are brand new to this type of public speaking and acting, we needed the help.
Over the two days, we managed to become a real, functioning team that was able to trust and rely on one another. We participated in psychological discussions and activities, played energising games and began to understand how we could be great facilitators, and how we could become a great team.
This training has now prepared us not only for the conference, but also for our futures after school: these tips and tricks for being confident and a good leader have helped us improve ourselves in such a short time period, and the effects of this seminar will stay with us for a very long time.

This awe-inspiring, confidence and trust-inspiring weekend has marked us all, and thanks to it, we will not walk into the conference cold, unsure of what to do, and wary of our partner. No. We will walk into that conference will confidence, happiness and trust in our partner and in ourselves. And we know now that we can be the ones to make a difference, for we re-learned Richard's 20 Global Problems and thought up new and innovative ways of solving them that might one day become a reality.
I do believe that we have become a proper team thanks to this, and that by forcing ourselves to learn how to deal with mistakes and problems that we will face very soon, we have prepared ourselves to overcome these mistakes and problems.

We also found out that the money we paid for this weekend will be put to good use: a large amount of it will go towards doing another seminar just like this one for students who neither have the money or the opportunity to participate in such an event. Hopefully, the seminar will be for the Golden Hearts Scholars just before the GISS conference. I feel as though this is a really good idea, as it will provide the GHS team with trust and a bond before the conference even begins: they will already be empowered.

Friday, 14 September 2012

GISS student leadership team applications

To be a part of the amazing GISS student leadership team, a student needs to prove that they are dedicated to the conference, to saving the world and to making a change for the better. This is why we give out application forms to those who, like us, are passionate about making a difference in the world for its betterment. Around 30 students applied for the 24 spots available.

To promote the event, I wrote an article for the link:

Do you want to be a part of the coolest, the most amazing student conference in Africa?
I thought so.

Well here’s your chance: this year, ISK’s GIN (Global Issues Network) group is hosting the annual Global Issues Service Summit, (GISS for short), a student conference that addresses today and tomorrow’s social and environmental problems.
It is a three-day conference: two days of interactive student and expert workshops along with world-renowned keynote speakers, with the third day being a service day: the GISS students all go out on a day-long trip to some of Nairobi’s local environmental and community-oriented organisations to help out with projects and have a good time.
This GISS’s theme is ‘Amani: One World, One Harmony’, which means peace and unity in Kiswahili.

This conference will change your take on how you can make things different in the world today.

Starting next week, signup sheets will be posted around the campus, so if you do want to join, pick one up and fill it out.
We hope that we’ll see you joining our Student Leadership team!

The point of doing this was really to encourage students and their parents to come and participate in this event, and I think that it must have worked. Writing promoting articles at this stage of the conference process is good practice, as I am aware of the impending increase in work and demand, and the need for sponsors, volunteers and chaperones.

We have now finalised our list of students on this team, and though there is a majority of seniors, there is a fair share of students from the other grades too.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Back to Track & Field

Today, I went back to full track and field training, as I had been missing some of the training sessions due to football. Coming back was a little bit sad for me, as I had hoped to be part of the ISSEA team this year. However, as that had not happened, I went back to the sport that I know for sure I am good at: running.
Going back to running full time is really good for me, as it gives me the opportunity to ficus on bettering myself and reinforcing my relationships within our huge team.
Hopefully I'll be back to speed very soon, as I feel that clashing training sessions might have diminished my ability to perform well in both sports. Thanks to this experience, short as it may have been, I now know that I need to pace myself so that I may do well in whatever sport I want to do. Focusing on a single sport instead of two is a good plan, and I hope that I may persevere and become a great runner.
(I am still training at home for football, as my hopes to compete have not diminished just quite yet.)