Thursday, 23 August 2012

NHS bake sale and first GIN meeting

Today, NHS had its first bake sale to fundraise for the Golden Heart Scholars.  The Golden Heart Scholars are 17 local high school students who have made, or are making a change in their community. As these students come from schools that are less well off than the international schools in Africa, we need to find sponsors to pay for their registration and accommodation.
Their cause is one we really should be fighting for, as the whole conference wishes to inspire and empower youth, and what better way than to find students who don't have as wide a range of opportunities as we do, and give them such an opportunity?
So the bake sale had the sole purpose of fundraising for this.


Today was also the first GIN meeting of the year, and my first GIN meeting as the leader. It was very nerve-racking, as we needed to explain to our group that you had to pay a certain amount of money to be a part of the group this year, due to the GISS conference. Because we didn't know how anybody would react, my fellow leaders and I felt as though we had slightly botched our presentations, and this unfortunately did not make us feel too confident about ourselves.
However, others said that they thought our first time as leaders went well, and that we make a good team, so we now know not to lose heart in front of an audience when we feel as though we've done something wrong, which will be very useful for our next GIN meetings.
In a strange way, I'm glad that I made mistakes today while being a leader: that way, I know not to make them again, and I've learned from this experience. If it had been too easy, then something would have been wrong!

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