Saturday, 19 November 2011

Spike to support

This week, a classmate, Kara, asked me if I could create a poster for a volleyball tournament that she is organizing.
I agreed, and I researched the charity that is receiving the funds from this event.

HEART, (Health Education Africa Resource Team), is the charity that donates sanitary towels, undergarments, and gives free health education and hygiene lessons to girls in Kenya.
Now, I know that ISK has already donated underpants and pads to this association, and I think that a student-led event for this is wonderful, because it shows that we are ready to be leaders, and we are ready to care for our world.

Here is the poster that I made:

The event is quite simply a volleyball tournament called 'Spike to Support'. For those of you who don't know what spiking is, it's what the silhouette of the girl on the poster is doing.                                         I think... :)                                                                                              To participate, you need to pay 400ksh, and anyone can enter. That means that teachers, students, parents etc. can join.                                    
If you would like to support this organization, you can visit their website here:

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