Saturday, 28 January 2012

Intercultural Trip (before)

Tomorrow (29th) is the first day of my intercultural trip, 'Mida Creek'.
On this trip, I know that we will be kayaking for around 2 hours every morning, and visiting local projects helping the environment as well as sustaining the community.
(Our trip will be mostly physical.)

It will be located on the shores of a tidal creek, which is around 5 square kilometres.
Some of the activities planned include visiting Turtle Watch and A Rocha, two organisations that take care of the environment: the first rehabilitates injured sea turtles, whilst the second ensures that no illegal activities take place within Watamu Marine National Park, tag birds and other wildlife, and study wildlife populations.

We will also visit Arabuko Sokoke forest, a national park which protects and houses quite a few endangered species of birds and rodents.

I am really looking forward to going, because I love ecology and conservation, and this trip seems to be focused around those aspects. Hopefully, I will bring back a lot in terms of knowledge and inspiration.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Prom Teacher/Student Silent Auction

The silent auction that our 11th grade Prom is finally over!
Over the past few weeks, (it started 2 or 3 weeks before winter break and started up again when we came back), there have been sheets of paper with different students' and teachers' names on them.
Any high school student or teacher can put they names down to bid for a person, and they get to make that person do anything, (within certain limits that do not infringe upon school regulations :) and the personal comfort zones of the students being auctioned), for one school day.
This day just so happens to be monday 23rd, when we are organizing a bake sale!!

We're all looking forwards to hearing crazy stories from that day, but all of us in prom are really happy about how many people have been bidding, so we know that this fundraiser is a success.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

2nd Semester

This is the second week of the second semester. There is already so much work being piled upon us: English IOPs, English IOs, Maths IAs and so on.

Of course, CAS never rests either, and today was the first 'official' Operation Smile meeting. We spent it voting for students to become president, co-president, treasurer, secretary and media officer. I am now the media officer, which means that I will be writing articles for the Link, the school newsletter, taking photographs of events etc.

Upcoming activities/events:

Monday, 16 January 2012


Today in guitar, my teacher said that I had improved, (thanks to some practice over the december break), and so he began to teach me the Pink Panther theme song with power chords :)

I am looking forward to learning the rest! My evident progress means that I have done well so far, and this really makes me happy: I know now that if I keep on trying to learn, then I will be able to achieve what I would like to achieve. And my goals for my guitar lessons are to learn how to play fluently, to practice more diligently and to be on top of these goals.